Forgive me of we speak to soon, but it appears as though we may be coming out the other end of yet another cold winter. Perhaps we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?
Dale Evans makes a very valid point though, if we never had any cold and miserable weather, we would never really apricate the true warmth of the suns ray's and same should be said for the cold. A truly wonderful metaphor for the ups and downs of life. We must experience the bad to appreciate the good.
On a more scientific note, catching some 'rays' or Vitamin D as you may know it is essential to maintain good overall health and strong bones. But too much sun can lead to more sinister health issues like skin cancer so it's vital we find a healthy balance of sun exposure. For fairer skinned people a few minutes a day, on a day when the UV index is above 3 (summertime) can be enough exposure for your body to absorb vitamin D, whereas people with darker toned skin may require a little longer in the sun. It is important to note that sensible sun protection such as a hat, sunscreen and long sleaved clothing does not put people at risk of Vitamin D deficiency. In the colder months of the year when the UV index is below 3, a little more exposure to the sun is required. But don't be fooled by the grey clouds and cooler temperatures you can still get burnt so be sure to wear adequate sun protection.
For some people sun exposure and a healthy diet is enough but some may require a supplement. Vitamin D can also be found in some foods such as cod liver oil, salmon, swordfish, sardines, egg yolks, beef liver just to name a few. It is important to consult your doctor and seek profession medical advice if you think you may be low in Vitamin D.